At Toddco Training I am committed to three core principles.

Teach, Learn, and Grow….

I teach, so others can learn!

I am passionate about sharing knowledge. Molding a student, and guiding them down the path I have walked is extremely rewarding. I am committed to being the best teacher I can be! Part of being a good teacher is being a good student. That is why I am committed to seeking out the best information, from the best instructors to share with my students.

I learn, so that I can be better a teacher!

Learning is a constant. It is my belief that the day you stop learning is the day you die. If we open our minds to learning new concepts, ideas, or mindsets; we have opened a new door of understanding to the world around us.

We grow together, so the world can become a better place!

Growth comes from taking the lessons, and integrating them into our lives. You can be “book smart”, but it takes growth to become aware of oneself, and aware of others.